Jennifer Gossels will present her general exam on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 2pm in CS 402. The members of her committee are Jennifer Rexford (adviser), Aarti Gupta, and Nick Feamster. Everyone is invited to attend her talk, and those faculty wishing to remain for the oral exam following are welcome to do so. Her abstract and reading list follow below. Abstract: Internet service providers (ISPs) need to minimize congestion in their backbones to maximize performance and make efficient use of network resources. For this reason, traffic engineering (TE) is an old, well-studied problem. However, standard TE efforts primarily focus on link capacities as constraints and ignore the limited memory available for switches to store their forwarding rule tables. When faced with insufficient memory, these solutions resort to the suboptimal strategy of tunneling packets end-to-end. End-to-end tunneling is suboptimal because it implicitly assumes that all edge switches have abundant memory and all interior switches do not. However, switches comprising ISP backbones are heterogeneous. Hence, end-to-end tunneling fails to take advantage of the large rule tables of some interior nodes. In this talk, we discuss our approach to traffic engineering in the presence of heterogeneous switch resources. Specifically, we distinguish between interior nodes with limited memory (little nodes) and those with just as much memory as edge switches (big nodes). Based on this little node-big node model, we formulate two novel variations of the multicommodity flow linear program. We show preliminary results, using real toplogy and traffic data, demonstrating that our optimization formulations significantly reduce network congestion compared to end-to-end tunneling. These results hold even if only 10 or 20 percent of interior nodes are big nodes. Reading List: Textbook [8] Classic Networking [10] Segment Routing [1, 2] Related Work [3, 4, 5, 6, 11] Other SDN [7, 9] References [1] Bhatia, R., Hao, F., Kodialam, M. S., and Lakshman, T. V. Optimized Network Traffic Engineering using Segment Routing. In Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (2015), IEEE. [2] Filsfils, C., Nainar, N. K., Pignataro, C., Cardona, J. C., and Francois, P. The Segment Routing Architecture. In 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Dec 2015), pp. 1–6. [3] Hartert, R., Vissicchio, S., Schaus, P., Bonaventure, O., Filsfils, C., Telkamp, T., and Francois, P. A Declarative and Expressive Approach to Control Forwarding Paths in Carrier-Grade Networks. In SIGCOMM (2015). [4] Heorhiadi, V., Reiter, M. K., and Sekar, V. Simplifying software-defined network optimization using SOL. In 13th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (Santa Clara, CA, Mar. 2016), NSDI ’16. [5] Hong, C.-Y., Kandula, S., Mahajan, R., Zhang, M., Gill, V., Nanduri, M., and Wattenhofer, R. Achieving High Utilization with Software-Driven WAN. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Conference (New York, NY, USA, 2013), SIGCOMM ’13, ACM. [6] Jain, S., Kumar, A., Mandal, S., Ong, J., Poutievski, L., Singh, A., Venkata, S., Wanderer, J., Zhou, J., Zhu, M., Zolla, J., Holzle, U., Stuart, S., and Vahdat, A. ¨ B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Conference on SIGCOMM (New York, NY, USA, 2013), SIGCOMM ’13, ACM. May 9, 2016 1 Jennifer Gossels General Exam Abstract and Reading List [7] Levin, D., Canini, M., Schmid, S., Schaffert, F., and Feldmann, A. Panopticon: Reaping the Benefits of Incremental SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks. In Proceedings of the 2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (June 2014), USENIX ATC ’14, USENIX Association, pp. 333–345. [8] Peterson, L. L., and Davie, B. S. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5th ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011. [9] Qazi, Z. A., Tu, C.-C., Chiang, L., Miao, R., Sekar, V., and Yu, M. SIMPLE-fying Middlebox Policy Enforcement Using SDN. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Conference on SIGCOMM (New York, NY, USA, 2013), SIGCOMM ’13, ACM. [10] Saltzer, J. H., Reed, D. P., and Clark, D. D. End-to-End Arguments in System Design. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 2, 4 (Nov. 1984). [11] Soule, R., Basu, S., Marandi, P. J., Pedone, F., Kleinberg, R. D., Sirer, E. G., and ´ Foster, N. Merlin: A Language for Provisioning Network Resources. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (2014), CoNEXT ’14.