Come to the new reading group for programming languages and compilers this Friday at 12:20 in room 302! Food will be provided. Please RSVP (to cbell@cs) by Wednesday night so we can determine how much to order, and sign up to this mailing-list for further announcements: plc-seminar@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/plc-seminar The first paper we discuss will be "AVIO: Detecting Atomicity Violations via Access Interleaving Invariants", by Shan Lu, Joe Tucek, Feng Qin, and Yuanyuan Zhou. [http://opera.cs.uiuc.edu/paper/asplos062-lu.pdf] (Yuanyuan Zhou will be here tomorrow: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/research/colloquia/event/294). This will be a somewhat informal reading group where "presenting" a paper is not required. Rather, we will take turns each week leading the discussion. So be prepared to talk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally, there are two talks coming up that may also interest you. On Monday, November 19th, there will be two talks by visiting speakers: 12:00 Gang Tan, Boston College: Inter-language analysis across Java and C Place: probably CS 105. Host: A. Appel This talk is for those interested in programming languages, in security, and in systems. Gang will talk about finding bugs and security holes in real software at the interfaces, after people have already gone through with all the modern tools that find bugs inside the Java components and inside the C components. 1:30 Stephanie Weirich, U. Penn.: Engineering Formal Metatheory Place: probably CS 301. Host: A. Appel This talk is for those interested in programming languages, lambda calculus, and formal methods. Stephanie will talk about recent ways to formalize lambdas and binders in Coq, in her solution to the POPLmark challenge. -cj Christian Bell