Princeton Wireless Distinguished Seminar Series Speaker: Onur Sahin, InterDigital Title: Emerging Pillars and Vision for Beyond-5G/6G Wireless Communications Day: Monday, December 6, 2021 Time: 12:30 pm Room: Virtual, Please register here: [ https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqceigrTwsHtwqy5-xPNN6bPjUHQEod... | https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqceigrTwsHtwqy5-xPNN6bPjUHQEod... ] Host: Yasaman Ghasempour and Kyle Jamieson Abstract: The recent shift of focus from research and development to deployment and commercialization of 5G systems has concurrently unveiled the “what comes next?” question embodied in an overarching beyond-5G/6G vision targeting 2030 and beyond. This talk will address some questions pertinent to beyond-5G/6G technologies such as shortcomings of 5G against the grand vision of a “fully-connected world” and the consensus on a beyond-5G/6G vision that has started to shape both in industry and academia. The talk will further elaborate on the emerging pillars of beyond-5G/6G including networks, terminal architectures, and radio, along with necessary evolution and disruption anticipated in some of these pillars. Finally, we will provide an overview of most recent designs and progress on key beyond-5G enablers and challenges, including ultra-high throughput (above 100Gbps) wireless link solutions, joint communication and sensing, and AI/ML as a useful toolbox for air-interface connectivity technologies. Bio: Onur Sahin received his B.S. degree (hons.) in electrical and electronics engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2003 and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from New York University, USA in 2009. He is currently a Member of Technical Staff at InterDigital Europe. His primary research and development interests are on the next generation telecommunication and wireless systems, with current emphasis on beyond 5G technologies. Dr. Sahin has held technical lead positions at multiple projects on next generation cellular and Wi-Fi systems. He is the co-author of over 45 peer-reviewed scientific articles (h-index: 23), co-inventor of 35 patents and patent applications, and co-recipient of the 2018 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, and 2016 Journal of Communication Networks Best Paper Award.