Madhu Jayakumar will present her MSE thesis talk on Wednesday April 30 at 2PM in Room 402. The members of her committee are Vivek Pai (advisor) and Kai Li. Everyone is invited to attend her talk. Her abstract follows below. -------------------------- Network traffic to mobile devices has exponentially increased over the past five years and is expected to continue growing. As these devices become more computationally powerful, mobile users have started to consume more and more traffic including high-definition video and audio. As wireless networks are more bandwidth-constrained, it is useful to understand and develop techniques to reduce mobile data traffic. We observed traffic from some of the most frequently visited mobile websites, and quantify the different types of traffic in terms of content type, cacheability and compression characteristics. Our analysis revealed redundancies across requests on repeat visits and we evaluate the effectiveness of using chunking and Rabin fingerprinting to deduplicate this traffic. Finally, we offer two system implementations and associated protocols that can be used for a content-based caching system which optimizes mobile web traffic by decreasing bandwidth.