Please note a room change!
Hansen Zhang will present his Pre FPO "Practical High Performance Containment on FPGA" on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2pm in CS 302.
From: "Nicki Gotsis"
To: "talks"
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 10:18:04 AM
Subject: [talks] Hansen Zhang will present his Pre FPO "Practical High Performance Containment on FPGA" on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2pm in CS 301
Hansen Zhang will present his Pre FPO " Practical High Performance Containment on FPGA" on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2pm in CS 301.
The members of his committee are as follows: David August (Reader and Examiner), Adrian Caulfield (Microsoft- Reader), Sharad Malik (Examiner), and Andrew Appel (Examiner)
Everyone is invited to his talk. The talk title and abstract follows below.
Title: Practical High Performance Containment on FPGA
The security of a computer system ultimately rests on the security of the underlying hardware components. A containment-based security architecture secures systems using a single, simple HW root of trust to contain the malicious effects of untrusted components within the system. However, prior containment-based security architecture implementations have suffered from either unreasonable adoption costs or significant performance slowdowns. In this talk, I will present FPGAGuard, the first containment-based security architecture implementation that is both efficient and practical. FPGAGuard secures a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computer system with a commodity PCIe FPGA network card as the root of trust and demonstrates reasonable performance on real programs.
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