Software-based Services for Cloud Networks Anees Shaikh, IBM Research Monday, November 26, 2012, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Computer Science 402 Software-defined networking (SDN) aims to provide a well-defined programming and automation interface to network devices. In moving network control and functionality to software running on standard server platforms, SDNs depart from the traditional, vertically integrated model of network hardware and software. We view SDNs as a new opportunity for supporting more seamless integration of networks with IT processes, and for providing higher-value network services. In this talk, after describing the SDN model and our approach for building SDNs, we will focus on the problem of providing networking services for cloud computing platforms. As more enterprises look to leverage the cost and flexibility advantages of cloud computing, the lack of rich networking support remains a challenge. We will discuss the requirements of enterprise line-of-business applications for additional network functions in the cloud, and describe our research efforts to develop networking services for multi-tenant enterprise clouds using software-defined networking techniques. Anees Shaikh is a Research Staff Member and Manager with the IBM TJ Watson Research Center in New York. He currently leads the Systems Networking Research group at Watson, focusing on problems related to data center and cloud networks. www: http://researcher.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-aashaikh