Steven Goldfeder will present his Pre FPO on Monday, February 26, 2018 at 3PM in CS 302.

Steven Goldfeder will present his Pre FPO on Monday, February 26, 2018 at 3PM in CS 302. The members of his committee are: Arvind Narayanan (adviser), Ed Felten, Mark Zhandry, and Matt Weinberg, Rosario Gennaro All are welcome to join. Abstract and title follow below. Increasing scalability and privacy for cryptocurrencies via off-chain protocols Abstract: The limits of Bitcoin’s scripting language motivate the need for off-blockchain protocols that extend the functionality of Bitcoin scripts. These protocols are run out-of-band by the transacting parties, but they are constructed in a manner that cryptographically binds them to on-chain scripts. Even with the advent of Ethereum, which provides a much richer scripting language, there are still privacy and scalability benefits to running off-chain protocols, even when on-chain analogs exist. I present off-chain protocols for a variety of applications as well as a general framework for off-chain smart contracts. An important tool for constructing off-chain protocols is threshold-signatures, a primitive that enables distributing the signing power of a given public key into n shares, such that at least k shares are required to produce a signature from that key. I show how to construct threshold signatures that are compatible with Bitcoin, and use this primitive to build off-chain protocols for privacy-preserving access control and escrow services. Turning to more advanced smart contracts, I show off-chain protocols for the fair exchange of digital goods and services for payment. Finally, we present a private and scalable smart contract system which enables arbitrary smart contracts that are enforced via off-chain protocols.
participants (1)
Nicki Gotsis