Nick Giannarakis will present his FPO "An Intermediate Language for Network Verification" on Friday, 9/11/2020 at 3pm via Zoom.

Nick Giannarakis will present his FPO "An Intermediate Language for Network Verification" on Friday, 9/11/2020 at 3pm via Zoom. Link to Zoom: [ | ] The members of his committee are as follows: Examiners: David Walker (Adviser), Andrew Appel, and Jennifer Rexford; Readers: Aarti Gupta and Ratul Mahajan (University of Washington) A copy of his thesis, is available upon request. Please email ngotsis@cs.princeton if you would like a copy of the thesis. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. Abstract follows below: [ | ]
participants (1)
Nicki Mahler