Tom Jablin will present his preFPO on Monday November 21 at 3PM in Room 402. The members of his committee are: David august, advisor; Doug Clark and Scott Mahlke (UMichigan), readers; Margaret Martonosi and David Walker, nonreaders. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. His abstract follows below. ----------------- GPUs are flexible parallel processors capable of accelerating real applications. To exploit them, programmers rewrite programs in new languages using intimate knowledge of the underlying hardware. This is a step backwards in abstraction and ease of use from sequential programming. When implementing sequential applications, programmers focus on programs' high-level algorithmic structure, allowing the compiler to target the peculiarities of specific hardware. Automatic parallelization can return ease of use and hardware abstraction to programmers. This proposal suggests techniques for automatically parallelizing ordinary sequential C codes for GPUs using DOALL, pipelined, and speculative techniques. The key contributions are: the first software-only shared memory system for GPUs, and the first fully-automatic pipeline parallelization system for GPUs. Combining these three components yields a fully-automatic parallelizing compiler for GPUs that is applicable to many general purpose applications.
participants (1)
Melissa M. Lawson