Registration is required and space is limited. To register, email ccolvin@cs.princeton.edu DATES: February 20, Friend 004 February 21, Friend 009 February 22, Friend 004 TIME: 4:30 pm - 7:00 PM Linux Performance measurement and optimization is a black art: to achieve results, knowledge of a varied set of tools and insight into the system's internals are required to successfully conclude the investigation with clear, irrefutable evidence of the responsible bottleneck. The speaker will take the audience through a marathon demonstration of the primary benchmarking tools, highlighting their features, pitfalls and limits, while at the same time describing the underlying system mechanisms interrelating with what is being measured. Initially focusing on the performance of the whole system, the discussion will then shift to performance measurement and optimization of a specific process, covering the approaches available to benchmark and tune programs running natively on the system or inside a virtual machine. Three sessions will cover the necessary theory and introductory hands-on practice, as we cover both System and Network performance problems. Instructor: Federico Lucifredi, Harvard University Federico Lucifredi is the maintainer of the man suite, the primary documentation-delivery tool under Linux, a graduate student at Harvard University, and a software-engineer-turned-manager at Novell corporation. Previously, Federico has been a CTO and a network software architect '.com' and embedded Linux startups, and he has spent two years teaching in Boston University's graduate and undergraduate programs, while simultaneously consulting for MIT. He is a frequent speaker at user group and conference events, notably the LinuxWorld and the IMPlanet conferences, where he was a panelist representing the jabber community. Federico is a recognized expert in computing performance issues, and consults pro-bono with Standard and Poor's clients interested in Free/Open Source technical and strategic issues, while currently participating in the GPL v3 drafting process in the large-corporation panel. Registration is required and space is limited. To register, email ccolvin@cs.princeton.edu DATES: February 20, Friend 004 February 21, Friend 009 February 22, Friend 004 TIME: 4:30 pm - 7:00 PM
participants (1)
Chrissy Colvin