Prof. Andrew Houck, EE, Tuesday, Sept 10 at Quadrangle Club

A Princeton Propeller Event at Quadrangle Club Please join us for cocktails & hors d’oeuvres… 6:00pm, Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 33 Prospect Ave., Quadrangle Club Speaker: Prof. Andrew Houck, Electrical Engineering “Decoding the Realm(s) of Quantum Computing: Tilting at Tackling the Computationally Infeasible” Quantum Computing is poised to revolutionize myriad fields: cryptography, chemistry, medicine, optimization and machine learning. In contrast to familiar transistors, with a state 0 or 1, the quantum analog of a transistor or bit of information, aka a qubit, can be in a “superposition” of 0 and 1 simultaneously (e.g., 0 + 1, 0 - 1); and multiple qubits can be entangled, i.e., their states depend on each other. These two principles, superposition and entanglement, could enable powerful new algorithms to solve problems far beyond the capacity of today’s digital computing. Like the aviation term, “holding patterns,” maneuvers designed to delay something already in flight, while keeping it within a specified distance --- Quantum Computing may in the next decade bring such exciting new achievements as: factoring large numbers; allowing for RSA decryption; calculating binding energies of complex molecules; and solving large-scale brute-force problems. Andrew Houck, BSE Princeton 2000, PhD Harvard 2005, will introduce us to this strange new world and describe how it’s likely to transform ours. REGISTRATION REQUIRED via [ | ]
participants (1)
Emily C. Lawrence