-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Lunch 'n Learn today at noon: Computational Intractability
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 09:39:42 -0500
From: Jon Edwards
Reply-To: Jon Edwards
Lunch 'n Learn banner
Wednesday, December 10, 12:00 noon
Computational Intractability:
A Barrier for Computers, Man, and Science
Sanjeev Arora
Computers are increasingly important in society as well as every area of
scholastic inquiry. Nevertheless, there appear to be tasks that are
infeasible for current computers. In recent decades, we have begun to
develop an understanding of what makes computational tasks "intractable"
not just for current computers but for all foreseeable computers. This
has implications for many scientific fields. The study of intractability
can also yield positive benefits, such as cryptographic schemes, secure
e-voting, and e-commerce.
Recently the National Science Foundation decided to fund an "Expedition"
center headquartered at Princeton that will study computational
intractability. I will give an overview of both the field and what our
center is trying to accomplish.
*Sanjeev Arora* is a Professor of Computer Science and the Director of
the Center for Theoretical Computer Science and the Director of the
Center for Intractability.
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