talk by Yoav Freund -- Friday, 7/14, 2:30, 402 CS

Yoav Freund will be giving a talk this Friday, July 14 at 2:30pm in room 402 of the CS building. Title and abstract follow below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: Using adaptive computer vision to analyze biomedical images Speaker: Yoav Freund Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego Date: Friday, July 14, 2:30pm Place: Room 402, CS building Host: Rob Schapire Abstract: The rapid advancement of biomedical imaging techniques such as fluorescence microscopy, non-linear optics, MRI and ultra-sound make it now possible to observe the time evolution of mechanical and biochemical processes in cells and in the human body at a resolution unimaginable a decade ago. This ability to measure opens up an incredible range of new possibilities for research in biology and in medicine. However, a major challenge along the way is the formidable amount of manual work required to extract meaningful quantitative results from the enormous amounts of collected image data. I suggest a combination of computer vision and machine learning techniques to tackle such problems. In this talk I describe some of my current work applying these ideas in several projects: 1. The study of the dynamics of lamellipodia in spreading cells. 2. The study of regulatory networks in the development of drosophila embryos. 3. Detection of protein micro-crystals for X-ray crystalography. 4. Detection and grading of prostate cancer using microscope images of biopsies. I will conclude with some of the lessons I have learned from these projects and some words on my current approach to automating image analysis tasks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Princeton University Department of Computer Science 35 Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08540 USA tel: +1 609 258 7726 fax: +1 609 258 1771 Computer Science Building, Room 407
participants (1)
Robert Schapire