Naman Agarwal will present his FPO "Second-Order Optimization Methods for Machine Learning" on Wednesday, 7/18/2018 at 2:00 PM in CS 402
Naman Agarwal will present his FPO "Second-Order Optimization Methods for Machine Learning" on Wednesday, 7/18/2018 at 2:00 PM in CS 402 The members of his committee are as follows: Readers: Yoram Singer and Yuxin Chen; Nonreaders: Elad Hazan (Adviser), Sanjeev Arora and Mark Braverman All are welcome to attend. Please see below for abstract. In recent years first-order stochastic methods have emerged as the state-of-the-art in largescale machine learning optimization. This is primarily due to their efficient per-iteration complexity. Second-order methods, while able to provide faster convergence, are less popular due to the high cost of computing the second-order information. The main problem considered in this thesis is can efficient second-order methods for optimization problems arising in machine learning be developed that improve upon the best known first-order methods. We consider the ERM model of learning and propose linear time second-order algorithms for both convex as well as non-convex settings which improve upon the state-of-the-art first-order algorithms. In the non-convex setting second-order methods are also shown to converge to better quality solutions efficiently. For the convex case the proposed algorithms make use of a novel estimator for the inverse of a matrix and better sampling techniques for stochastic methods derived out of the notion of leverage scores. For the non-convex setting we propose an efficient implementation of the cubic regularization scheme proposed by Nesterov and Polyak. Furthermore we develop second-order methods for achieving approximate local minima on Riemannian manifolds which match the convergence rate of their Euclidean counterparts. Finally we show the limitations of second/higher-order methods by deriving oracle complexity lower bounds for such methods on sufficiently smooth convex functions.
participants (1)
Nicki Gotsis