Reminder about Matthias Niessner's talk today at 1:30PM in CS 302

Title: Interactive 3D: Static and Dynamic Environment Capture in Real Time Speaker: Matthias Niessner Affiliation: Stanford University Time: Friday Sept 30, 1:30-2:30PM Place: Room CS 302 In recent years, commodity 3D sensors have become easily and widely available. These advances in sensing technology have inspired significant interest in using captured 3D data for mapping and understanding 3D environments. In this talk, I will give an overview of how we can now easily obtain 3D reconstructions of static and dynamic environments in an interactive manner, and how we can process and utilize the data efficiently in real time on modern graphics hardware. More concretely, as an example application for 3D reconstruction, I will talk about facial reenactment (Face2Face), where we use an intermediate 3D reconstruction to interactively edit videos in real time. Last but not least, I will talk about the real-time optimization strategies used in the aforementioned problems, from which have developed 'Opt', a domain-specific language that automates the implementation of non-linear-least-squares from an abstract energy formulations to parallel hardware. This talk is going to be very fun. All are welcome.
participants (1)
Thomas Funkhouser