The First Annual Research Computing Day - October 14 - Maeder Hall Auditorium, Andlinger Center

The First Annual Research Computing Day Friday • October 14, 2016 8:00 am – 5:30 pm Maeder Hall Auditorium • Andlinger Center • 86 Olden Street The Princeton Institute for Computational Science & Engineering ( PICSciE ) is hosting its first Annual Research Computing Day to showcase computational and data-intensive research by graduate students and postdocs from all disciplines as well as understand research computing support, services and infrastructure available to Princeton researchers. This event is open to undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, researchers, faculty and technical staff at Princeton and its affiliates. There will be 20-minute presentations by graduate students and postdocs plus talks by PICSciE and OIT-Research Computing staff, poster sessions and open discussions during the event. A buffet lunch and reception after the event will be held in the Andlinger Center’s courtyard. Organized and sponsored by the Princeton Institute for Computational Science & Engineering. Co-sponsored by the Office of Information Technology’s Research Computing department, the Office of the Dean for Research and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning. Register now Call for Oral and Poster Presentations Schedule of Events Questions? Email
participants (1)
Chris M. Miller