2pm talk today on content-centric opportunistic communication for mobile phones

TALK ANNOUNCEMENT Speaker: Erik Nordstrom, Princeton University Title: Haggle: Content-Centric Opportunistic Communication for Mobile Phones Date/time: 2:00-3:00pm on Friday April 9 Location: room 402 in the Computer Science building Abstract: Today, mobile phones are increasingly used for content-centric communication, whereby users access and share content with each other (e.g., pictures on Facebook). However, content sharing is limited to infrastructure networks and legacy Internet technologies are ill suited for content-centric communication. Moreover, the Internet protocols and APIs do not work well in highly mobile and disruptive environments, where intermittent connectivity is the norm rather than the exception. These deficiencies make it is cumbersome, or even impossible, to share content directly between mobile phones, leading to high stress on existing infrastructure and high costs for the consumer, while putting limitations on the possibilities for developing new and innovative applications. In this talk, I will present Haggle, a novel network architecture built from the ground up to support opportunistic content-centric communication directly between mobile phones. Haggle addresses content rather than hosts, which makes it irrelevant from where a user receives a content item. The content-centric communication is driven by a novel distributed search-based resolution scheme, which draws inspiration from online search engines. The search scheme resolves the mappings between the content and its interest group, i.e., the nodes that have an interest in the content. Search has the benefit of ranking, and therefore provides a natural limitation and ordering mechanism for content dissemination. This means that content, in general, has a higher likelihood of being disseminated if there is a high interest in it in the network. After the talk, I will demonstrate Haggle using a visualization tool that shows how photos taken with a phone's camera are shared with other mobile phones or devices. See http://www.haggleproject.org/ for more details.
participants (1)
Jennifer Rexford