Princeton Wireless Distinguished Seminar: Lajos Hanzo, Thursday Oct 13 at 12:30pm

Princeton Wireless Distinguished Seminar Series Speaker: Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK Title: Space, Air, Ground Integrated Networking from Single – To Multi-Component Pareto Optimization Day: October 13, 2022 Time: 12:30 pm EST (5:30 pm UK) Location: Zoom (Please Register) [ | ] Hosts: Kyle Jamieson & Yasaman Ghasempour Abstract: Thanks to the spectacular advances in signal processing and nano-technology, five wireless generations have been conceived over the past five decades. Indeed, near-capacity operation at an infinitesimally low error rate has become feasible and flawless multimedia communications is supported in areas of high traffic density, but how do we fill the huge coverage holes existing across the globe? As a promising system architecture, an integrated terrestrial, UAV-aided, airplane-assisted as well as satellite-based global coverage solution will be highlighted to pave the way for seamless next-generation service provision. However, these links exhibit strongly heterogeneous properties, hence requiring different enabling techniques. The joint optimization of the associated conflicting performance metrics of throughput, transmit power, latency, error probability, hand-over probability and link lifetime poses an extremely challenging problem. Explicitly, sophisticated multi-component system optimization is required for finding the Pareto-front of all optimal solutions, where none of the above-mentioned metric can be improved without degrading at least one of the others. Bio: Lajos Hanzo is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), FIEEE, FIET and a EURASIP Fellow, Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science. He holds honorary Doctorates from the University of Edinburgh and the Technical University of Budapest. He co-authored 19 IEEE Press – John Wiley books and 2000+ research contributions at IEEE Xplore. For further information on his research in progress and associated publications, please refer to IEEE Xplore.
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Emily C. Lawrence