[chuck-users] sporking shreds, advancing time

vb vboehm at gmx.ch
Thu Oct 5 13:58:09 EDT 2006

hi kassen,

> Well, both could be used and either might be apropriate depending  
> on the situation.

ok, good to know.

> Generally sporking shreds is used to have several things happen at  
> the same time. Function calls without sporking (instead of copying  
> the function's code to one or more locations) is mainly usefull for  
> clarity, readability and keeping your files from growing realy big.  
> If neither is needed I would't use either because they add complexity.

the simplicity in this case was only intended to have a clear  
example. of course you are right in that no sporking is required here.

i was wondering from a more conceptual point of view, which version  
would be better or more appropriate for chuck.
as you say, the first example might be a little simpler than the second.
still the second example seems clearer to me, well at least to what  
i'm used to...
but i was a little concerned with the fact, that the shred ids kept  
increasing so rapidly (calling a new shred every click) and wondered  
wether chuck would really like that.

thanks for your explanations, i'll be back with more questions...

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