[chuck-users] heads up for

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 17:19:45 EDT 2006

On 9/10/06, Graham Coleman <gc at gehennom.net> wrote:

It seems like a cool way to do this would be implementing VST support.
> Then chuck could talk to lots of plugins.
> Not sure how difficult it us, but the "standardness" of it might make
> it worth it.

That would be nice, if asking for trouble; I think the VST standard isn't as
standardised as one would like standards to be. For one thing we would need
a way of getting a VST to report on it's parameters. This would also break
the cross-platform nature of ChucK code. I imagine there would also be
questions about some malfunction with plugin X where X costs 500 bucks and
would be unavailable to the developers...

The destroyFX stuff by itself makes little sense to me to port; many of
those things could also be done with some tactfull controll of SndBuf
(getting in the new habit there...). If we'dlike to get yet closer the first
step IMHO should be a record mode for the SndBuf as a alternative for
loading audio files?

With a MIDI loopback driver and a straditional VST/AU/LADSPA/My_format host
much of the same could be acomplished.

Just my thoughts...

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