[chuck-users] adsr

Ge Wang gewang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Mon Sep 11 01:40:24 EDT 2006

Hi Eduard!

> I am testing how ADSR UGen works and I am still not sure what do
> parameters to (time)members (attackTime, decayTime, etc) mean. Are
> they automatically casted to seconds?

For now, yes.  All ADSR times are in seconds.  We hope to convert them 
to dur soon.

I added two functions in the meantime:

     .set( dur a, dur d, float s, dur r );
     .set( float a, float d, float s, float r );

> begin note_on 0 0.000000
> end_of_attack 1 10.000000
> begin note_off 3 10.000000
> end_of_decay 3 10.000000
> end_of_sustain 3 10.000000
> end_of_release 4 2010.000000
> done. 4 2010.000000
> This would bean that attack lasts for 10::ms as env.attackTime() was
> set to .01. But then I don't understand why release ends at 2010::ms
> as releaseTime() is set to 1.

Aha.  This happens because keyOff() is called before the ADSR is in the 
sustain state.  I've fixed it so that the releaseTime is as expected 
even if keyOff is called way early: 1010.

The changes in CVS and will be included in



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