[chuck-users] Latency Vs Midi timings precision

Julien Saint-Martin julien.saintmartin at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 19 07:11:41 EDT 2018

Hi there,

I am trying to synchronize my ChucK Loops and Synth with a friend.
We use midi messages and I am Slave.
I use Linux with Jack server.

To ensure ChucK processing without glitches I play with latency (usually
186 ms).
But I noticed that perdiodic midi messages are randomly delayed (kind of
jitter of about 80ms) when received in ChucK.
I also noticed that the jitter decrease when I reduce Latency.

Latency is not a problem for me, and it is needed for Chuck to compute
without glitches (XRun in Jack server).

Do you know where the Jitter comes from (Linux, Jack, ChucK) ?
Is  there a solution to reduce it keeping some latency ?

Happy Chucking,

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