[ixp1200] Intel bug in ue debug code?

Austen McDonald austen at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Jan 6 14:14:10 EST 2003

	Someone from Intel please answer this:

	Im trying to write a wrapper for the ioctl commands to mimic the
kernel level API for the uDbg library. The function Im working w/ is

int uDbg_SetNumUword(uDbg_Handle_T dbgH, unsigned int uEngMask,
  unsigned int uWordAddr, unsigned short numWords, unsigned int *uWord)

Inside SA1_CoreLibs/ue/main.c where the ioctl is actually handled, we find
this code:

      uEng_setNumUword_T d;

      if (copy_from_user(&d, (void *)arg, sizeof(d))) return -EFAULT;

      size = d.numWords * sizeof(unsigned int);
      buf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
      if (buf == NULL) return -ENOMEM;

      if (copy_from_user(buf, (void *)d.uWord, size)) {
         return -EFAULT;

      if (uEng_setNumUword(d.uEng, d.uAddr, d.numWords, &d.uWord)) {
         printk("ue: UENG_SETNUMUWORD failed\n");
         return -EFAULT;


and SA1_CoreLibs/debug_1200/debug_1200.hxx defines Debug_SetNumUword_T to

typedef struct Debug_SetNumUword_S{
   unsigned int uEngMask;
   unsigned int uWordAddr;
   unsigned short numWords;
   unsigned int uWord;
} Debug_SetNumUword_T;

	But this cant be right---isnt the purpose of buf to copy the data
from the POINTER uWord (whereas now its not a pointer, its just and int)


	shouldn't buf be passed to uEng_setNumUword instead of &d.uWord
inside the case statement?

	Let me know if Im an idiot or if this has been fixed in a newer

Austen McDonald
austen at cc.gatech.edu

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   -- Albert Einstein

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