[ixp1200] problems when assembling micro code

Gregory Prier greg at Lever.cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 10 18:21:47 EST 2003

I have a relatively large micro code program that I am trying to 
assemble.  I get these error messages:

(17009): error : The numeric address value 1035 in field 
"branch_field" is too large to be represented in field.
F:\src\dward\interface_ace\include\SlowIngress_h.uc(509): error : 
The previous error occurred while expanding macro.

This repeats 4 times, and then:

(0): error : Page, common_code, exceeds the 1024 address limit.
(0): error : Unexpected error occurred during encoding phase.

We are using an ixp1200 with a 2k instruction store.  As far 
as we can tell our program should fit into this space.  

Has anyone else seen this same problem and how did they fix it?

Thank you for the help.

Greg Prier                              Previously:      A Mudder
3564 Boelter Hall                       Currently:       A Bruin working
UCLA CA 90095                                            toward a PhD
(310) 825-8899                          After that:      No idea

"Hell, there are no rules here.  We're trying to accomplish something."
                                                        Thomas Edison

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