[ixp] [ixp1200] forwarding packet to host kernel

Kenneth M. Mackenzie kenmac at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Jan 29 10:24:37 EST 2003

Here's a link:


We intend to post the code for this also, shortly.

The short answers:

o  about 190MB/S IXP->host using IXP's DMA
o  slightly more host->IXP using PIOs with write-combining
o  about half that host->IXP using IXP's DMA but it's a known host chipset bug

The host is a Dell 530 (Xeon w/860 chipset)
The card is the Radisys card with the 21555 bridge
The PCI slot in the host is 64/66 (but the IXP side is 32/66).

-- Ken

> Georgia Tech has a paper with the answer to your question coming up in the
> SAN-2 workshop (held jointly with HPCA 2003):
> 	"Intel IXP1200-based Network Processor"
> it has a lot of details on the limits of passing packets up and down
> between an IXP1200 (the Radisys ENP-2505) and a PC it's put into.

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