[ixp1200] [Q] I have a question about IXP SDRAM mapped into PCI bus.

Cho, joon-woo jwc at core.kaist.ac.kr
Wed Jul 23 02:12:36 EDT 2003


I kwow that all region of IXP SDRAM is mapped into PCI bus.

And I am curious about how do I read/write 'SDRAM mapped in PCI bus'

using vera source.

Is there a function to access that region?

I think that 'VeraI2Oexp' function is used for reading/writing to SDRAM

Am I right? If right, please give me more information.

And can I access that address using 'variable' like below?


int xx (allocated in SDRAM)

write some data to xx

Please answer my questions.


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