[ixp1200] configure IXF440 ports

tstevens tim.stevens at intec.ugent.be
Fri Oct 10 05:37:23 EDT 2003


Finally I found the solution to our packet loss problem on the ENP-2505.

When Intel delivered the boards, the only software we received were the 
following CD's:
-IXA SDK 2.01 Volume II CD1 & 2
-IXA EDU Workstation CD containing some updates, VMWare and the ENP-2505 driver

Well, this ENP-2505 driver seems to be the cause of our packet loss problems.

A couple of weeks ago, I found a document on the internet, titled "Linux 
Setup guide for ENP-XXXX", referencing to a Radisys patch for the IXA SDK 
2.01. Because I didn't have the patch (I thought this was the cause of the 
problem), I contacted Radisys support and they offered me to download their 
ENPSDK 2.01 CD, which contains the patch.
BUT, more important, this CD also contains a different version of the 
ENP-2505 driver, named boot_drv-2.0.1-3.src.rpm (instead of 
boot_drv-2.0-1.src.rpm on the Intel supplied CD). Installing this driver 
and recompiling the ENP-2505 linux kernel solved our problem!
Even in the document "Linux Setup guide for ENP-XXXX", which resides on the 
Radisys CD, they refer to "boot_drv-2.0-1.src.rpm" instead of the version 
on their CD, which has led to confusion.

Kind regards,


At 16:35 7/10/2003, tstevens wrote:
>In order to investigate the packet loss issue on our ENP-2505 board, we 
>would like to know how we can set the IXF440 ports fixed, thus turning off 
>the autonegotiation.
>Does anyone know how to configure these (4) ports?
>Thank you in advance.
>Kind regards,

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