Hey, Spencer, David;
On 17 February 2015 at 21:13, Spencer Salazar
point; miniAudicle uses QT4. This is pretty clearly a problem with QT or the way miniAudicle uses QT, though I haven't seen it before. I haven't tested the build on Linux in a while, but it should definitely have been working as of the last release. I will try again with my Linux set up when I get a chance.
I really seem to remember we can (and I have) headers for both QT3&4 next to each other on our systems, without this causing conflict. I'd sugges pulling in QT4 as a library and the headers and trying again. If you can pull in QT4 and QT4-dev without your packagemanager screaming murder&"conflict" that sounds like a safe thing to try. Yours, Kas.