[chuck-users] chuck on os x 10.7 (lion)

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 07:32:00 EDT 2011

Hi Jonas and Carlo,

My sample rate is 44100, and I didn't change it since the Snow Leopard
> (where ChucK worked without any problem).
> Anyone else having this problem? Or can think of solution?
Well, that sucks.

The only solution I can think of is that XCode may also have been upgraded
when OSX was. I'd try recompiling ChucK under Lion. If that helps
Princeton/Stanford should probably rush out a updated binary for OSX Lion.

If it doesn't help then Gary, who manages RTAudio (the audio library that we
use), may have to dive in. That might be a good occasion to update the
version of RTAudio that we use?

Wishing you luck,
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