[chuck-users] Begin the beguine

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 16:16:35 EDT 2012

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 10:08:11PM +0200, Alberto Alassio wrote:
> Ok, to me it wasn't so easy to understand count < steps. so it counts till
> the steps end, right?

Yes. As long as "count < steps", which means "count is lower than
steps" evaluates to true the loop keeps repeating and each time the
loop repeats in increases "count". Once this is no longer true the
clause returns false, the loop stops and we reach the end of the

> And in this patch count refers to steps but it is
> also the one who makes the freq increases by inc, I mean, for each count we
> have, then the freq increases.
> Is it correct?

Yes, totally correct.

> Thank you Kas, it always helps!

No problem. The more I look at it the more I suspect this example is
doing unusual things on purpose, demonstrating a few things at the
same time. It is also demonstrating "function overloading" in a way
that I think is designed to make that principle understandable by
looking at this code. Note that two functions named "chirp" are
defined here....


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