Hi list, Hi Dan!
I have a slight issue with LiSa when she's supposed to play backwards. Let's
assume for a second we want to record a single piano note, then play it back
*once* in reverse;
Rhodey r => LiSa l => dac;
second => l.duration;
1 => l.record;
1 => r.noteOn;
second => now;
0 => l.record;
0 => l.loop;
second => l.playPos;
-1 => l.rate;
1 => l.play;
second => now;
The above looks entirely correct to me, however, it won't generate a sound.
.999::second => l.playPos;
it will work just fine and it will also work fine when .loop is turned on
but turning loop on for one-shot samples isn't always convenient.
I believe this to be a bug, probably related to the way in which LiSa
determines when she is supposed to stop playing. When you, Dan, have a
moment, could you please look into this?