Yo All....I'm trying to download and study some of the best
music out there which features granular synthesis. I haven't heard
much yet beyond Iannis Xenakis, but I'd love to know what
your favorites are.
Perhaps it would be worthwhile putting up
a torrent of the same. If possible, kindly provide links
to mp3 files or any other type of free downloads.
(What do you think of Jaron Lanier's music?)
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hi, I'm new in ChucK and doing my first steps in it; thanks for adding me
to the group, I program in other languages; SuperCollider; SCAMP; Java;
Python and others.
Dear all,
Since chuck-1.5, we shipped a series of incremental releases. We thought
we'd spare your inbox (until now!) and offer a cumulative announcement.
The latest release -- chuck- (chai) -- just dropped:
WebChuck & IDE have also been updated to
Some highlights
* chuck in color -- color terminal support is here (for command-line
ChucK); compiler errors, probes, logs, on-the-fly programming (OTF), and
other messages are output in color, for easier reading and to be more
See some example screenshots:
* speaking of compiler errors, ChucK (command-line, miniAudicle, and
WebChucK IDE) now display relevant code when reporting compiler errors,
and pinpointing the error location. For example:
error-testA.ck:3:5: error: class 'SinOsc' has no member 'test'
[3] foo.test();
error-testB.ck:5:12: syntax error
[5] */ it @ is not ! valid => syntax!
The improved error-reporting should make chuck a bit easier to use for
everyone, and especially for students learning the language.
* improved random number generator (RNG) on all platforms (and
especially on windows); ChucK now defaults to mt19937 (Mersenne Twister
with long period of 2^19937; when supported by the underlying platform)
and with a few additional tools/toys...
Some new random examples:
* Machine.eval(...) now will immediately spork and synchronously run the
evaluated code as a new shred, while automatically yielding the current
shred to give the new shred a chance to run, all this without advancing
time. This opens the possibility for running generated code at runtime!
powerful! perilous!
Machine API reference:
Machine.eval() examples:
miniAudicle "quality of life" improvements for newcomers and veterans alike:
* miniAudicle "Help" menu now has items that will open websites in
the default browser -- for quick access to documentation:
"ChucK Class Library Reference..."
"ChucK Documentation..."
"ChucK Community..."
* "Audio driver" drop-down selection in Preferences, for run-time
selection of different drivers: "DirectSound", "WASAPI", or "ASIO" on
Windows; "Jack", "Pulse", or "ALSA" on Linux
* Device Browser now has an "Audio driver" drop-down box that can select
an available driver to view its associated audio devices
* Preferences->ChuGins can now probe chugins on the systems
See what's new (full release notes):
Much more is on the way...
(For developers)
* improved build instructions for ChucK, miniAudicle, and Chugins on
their respective repository landing pages:
chuck one, chuck all -- join us!
Happy ChucKing,
ChucK Team
Ge Wang
Associate Professor
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy)
Stanford University
Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime!
-- what we make, makes us --