Hello list,
Not sure this issue is still of any interest, but just for the record
I got up to 836 sine oscillators without crackles. At 836 I got 1
crackle and got the second crackle around 900 sines. Above 960 sine
oscillators the crackles appear more often.
This is on a Mac Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz, 1GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.4.6 .
It make no difference to have my settings under System Preferences >
Energy saving as Normal or Best Performance.
The code I have used is:
1024 => int max;
sinosc @ a[max];
0 => int counter;
sinosc s1;
440 => s1.freq;
1./max => s1.gain;
while( true )
s1 @=> a[counter] => dac;
.25::second => now;
<<<"oscillator ", counter++>>>;