Hi Alok,
Others have seen this problem also. I have asked our support group
to look at the problem and if there are any workarounds. I will
post to the list any information I can gather on the problem.
Sorry I can't give a more direct answer that would fix your problem.
> Hi,
> I have run the reference design pfwd8_1f_16rx_6tx on hardware. I am
> eventually successful in getting packets through it but here are some
> problems I am getting. If anyone has any thoughts or comments on it,
> please, let me know.
> 1. When I use the Intel's latest release (version 1.1), the packets
> greater than 64 bytes are not forwarded correctly. In version
> 1.0, there
> is no such problem. I downloaded pfwd8_1f_16rx_6tx in both the cases.
> 2. When I try to debug code in hardware by inserting
> breakpoint to follow
> the execution of code, it does not forward any packet but rather go to
> some undesirable state. This problem happens in both the version.
> If I use reference design of version 1.0 and do not insert
> any breakpoints
> in code, I get packets forwarded as expected.
> If anyone has successfully run reference designs from version 1.1 or
> successfully followed code execution in hardware, please, let me know.